Spring | Grades 1-2 Freshwomen
The Grades 1-2 Freshwomen Division runs from early April through mid-June. This is an instructional league where the focus is on fundamentals: throwing, catching, field positions, base running, and proper hitting mechanics. Coaches toss easy pitches to batters and score is not kept. No called strikes. No umpires.
We understand that at this age your daughter may be trying different activities. We encourage girls to participate in other activities such as soccer, dance, theater, or lacrosse. Although we hope that your daughter participates in as many games as possible, attendance at every game is not mandatory. As a courtesy, we do ask that you inform your coach if your daughter cannot attend a game.

Player is a resident of Milton or attends school in Milton.
Player is enrolled in K, Grade 1 or 2.
The league wants to ensure that we have balance across all teams so we do our best to make sure each team has an equal amount of Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders. Player requests will be considered in accordance with our guidelines, but are not guaranteed.
Typically 2 games per week. The schedule usually includes games on Saturdays at 9AM or 10:30AM and Mondays at 6PM.
Coaches will schedule practices before the season but generally there are not practices during the season.
Playoff Format
No playoffs.
Jerseys are provided and handed out prior to the first game.
Frequently Asked Questions
Finances are tight. Do you offer any financial assistance?
Milton Girls Softball believes that every girl who is interested in playing should be able to play. If you have financial circumstances that make the registration fees a challenge, please contact us for assistance.
What equipment will my child need before the first practice or game?
Players should arrive at their first practice with a glove, hat, and rubber molded cleats.
All players should bring a windbreaker, jacket, or sweatshirt to every game and practice, especially early in the season. A softball bag is not required but it is helpful to transport bats, batting gloves, water bottles, hats, and other items.
Registration fee: $125.
Registration is open until Feb. 15th. Registration requests after this date are subject to a late fee.
Team assignments will be announced in late March.